Arnold stretched throughout Terminator 4?
We are not sure where the original news of this came from or what to think of it (pondering about the fact that we can't even remember that any site mentioned Orlando Bloom to be involved in T4, or we were miss-informed). So here goes...
IESB reports:
Few months back rumours started floating around regarding Orlando Blooms possible involvement in T4. "Insider" chimes in on T4 and other interesting titbits.
"Just saw your Disney preview. Did some stuff on one of those. Guess which one. (Due out end of next year, they just started releasing stills). Don't expect much more on it - still being worked on."
"I just did some pre-vis for Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasures of the Lost Abyss lst mth. Nothing to share sorry - just a rumor debunking : Orlando Bloom. He's not going to do 'Terminator 4'."
"I read it on a few sites a while back. It's not happening. Not sure if it was even offered. Bloom - who is going to rock in 'Treasure' - is stapled down for the next year. He's got PR for Elizabethtown to do, and then another 'Pirates' after this's a no-go considering T4 shoots next year."
"'Pirates' is coming along well. Begins shooting after Christmas. Great cast - Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Salma Hayek and Keith Richards, who is playing Jack's father. It's on a much grander scale to the first - lawds of money."
"T4 is a different crowd, but I know that DigitalScape are prepping the effects and that they're waiting for Schwarzenegger's availability [he'll only be available for a few days but they will spread him out across the film] before it rolls. From what I can gather it'll essentially still be a 'Schwarzenegger' picture."
The Insider
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