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The Redemption concept art

Terminator 3: The Redemption concept art finally available!

Wed 18 Aug 2004 | 22h08 GMT+1

Previously reported, after Atari's official launch of the Terminator 3: The Redemption website, we found out that most downloads were not available. Frustrated and eyes wide open with disbelieve that they would launch a unfinished site.. we mailed them right away.

Well. We have not yet recieved any reply... but thats not important now: The art download is now available! Right-click here and choose 'Save target as...' to download the 84MB file with lots of images.

Paradigm Airlines?

The collection exists of 42 images, almost all previously seen through other sites, BUT in very high resolutions; ranging from 792x594 to 2800x2169 pixels (wxh) sizes, in JPEG and TIF formats. Check the attached image for 1:1 resolutional settings (which is not realy a good representation, because the original file is much better looking in its uncompressed TIF format ;).

We are still not satisfied, Atari!

The trailer which should be visible in the main intro of the site is still not functioning... and the downloadable links to videoclips are also not working. More on this as soon as it is available. Still interested in some cool videoclips? Then click here for a compiled Terminator 3: The Redemption list of external videos!

On another note: The Terminator 3: The Redemption site is appearently also available through, which means the flashed Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines console game website is no longer available. We have not found any alternative url to this old website. Would still be cool to see it (or not?!).

Click top link for Terminator 3: The Redemption website!

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