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“ Between June 9th and July 22nd, we've had 12.000 non-searchengine visitors! Thats approx. 270 new visits each day, not counting normal traffic ;).”

Thanx for the warm welcome, fans!

12.000 non-searchengine visitors

Tue 22 Jul 2003 | 18h38 GMT+1
Info: TF News

Not exactly Terminator news, but interesting for all fans that are interested in whats up and running at ;). We've been online since the 9th of June 2003. Thats almost two months ago ...and we've already had 12.000 visitors to our website.

This is very interesting to know when you take into account that we haven't even added ourselfs to any searchengine(s) yet. Most visitors came from other sites that linked to us... but not more then 200 came in through searchengines (or so our statistics tell us ;). So what about some linkage in searchengines? Then... we will surely be found!

As some may have noticed, the title of the site has changed. We've update our META-content (title, description, keywords, nonframes-tags, etc) to fit specific needs for searchengine submissions. After that 'little' update, we've submitted our site to a mass directory of searchengines.

A registration of a site takes from a few days to six weeks (depending on the system of the searchengine). So in approx. one month or so, we will be visited by a lot more people that found our page(s) through searches in several searchengines.


To give you an idea of our exact submissions... here's a 'small' list (79):, 800go, Abacho, Acoon, Aeiwi, Alexa, All The Web, Altavista, Anzwers, AOL Search, Bellnet, C4,, Cipinet, Claymont, Debriefing, Dogpile, Entire Web, Exact Seek, eVisum, Fast Search, Find Once, GigaBlast, Go 2 Net, Google, Highway 61, HotBot NL, HotBot UK, Ilse, Infogrid, InfoMak, Inktoni, iWon, ixQuick, Kobala, Lycos, Mamma, Max Promo, MegaCrawler,, MetaCrawler, MetaSpider, Mirago UK, MSN Search, myGO, Nathan DE, National Directory, OneSeek, Pinak, PlanetSearch, ProFusion, Proteus, qbSearch, Query Server, Rex, Scrub The Web,, Search It, Search Warp, Sites On Display, Spider, Splat Search, Subjex, Super Snooper, Surf Gopher, Surf Wax, TrueSearch, Try America, Verdwaald NL, Vinden, Viola FR, Vindex, Vivisimo, Walhello, WebFile, WebSearch, WebInfoSearch, What U Seek and Yahoo!

What about that!

The above names are alphabeticly sorted and exist of searchengines, crawlers and bots. Several submissions have been done by hand, whilst others are submitted through submission-sites and -software. We'll just have to wait and see what it will bring us ;).

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