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“ Do you know how many carbs are in those things! ”

Schwarzenegger on Claire Danes licorice habbit

Terminate licorice habit

Sat 7 Dec 2002 | 11h20 GMT+1

Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying to get Claire Danes to terminate her addiction to red licorice. Danes, who is currently filming Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, admits she nibbles on red licorice almost non-stop when she's filming.

"Arnold keeps walking up to me and saying: 'Do you know how many carbs are in those things!'

"He hasn't tried to get me to work out in his private on-set gym yet but I have a feeling that could be next," says Danes, who stars with Kieran Culkin in Igby Goes Down and will be seen next month opposite Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep in The Hours.

Danes was a last-minute addition to Terminator 3.

"I got a call from my agent one night saying there was some trouble on the Terminator set, and could I step in the next day.

"I'd never done a film like this so it was a leap of faith."

The next night, Danes found herself lying on the ground surrounded by a sea of flames.

"I was just looking up when, all of a sudden, Arnold appeared in full Terminator gear. I hadn't been told he'd be in the scene so it was a huge surprise."

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