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“ Damn! We missed the cut and posted this weekly review two days later! ”

But its still some news about our beloved subject

Terminator Weekly Review (31, 2010)

Tue 10 Aug 2010 | 18h30 GMT+1
Info: TF News search

Damn! Our previous weekly review did not have that many items, and this time around, we even got to a point that we forgot to post one. We are still quite busy behind the scenes, as well as in our dayly IRL jobs... to not be able to focus on the latest Terminator news.

Latest Terminator news? Mmm... lets see. We had three emails this last week that users sent us, but the stories on those pages were somewhere around 2-3 years old. We love your devotion in sending them in, but they probably creeped up on the blog, the RSS feed, or whatever other method you follow... cause a reply post in the message relaunched the indexing of the page.

If you share a story, please check the header information of your source for a posting date. If its from way back when, its been reported about already. If its totally new... then definately send it in.

Other sources around us sent in info in mass mails of automated services. We have checked exactly 105 stories that were posted in 'news', 'blogs' and other 'web' sources. And again, most of them used the word Terminator to help score their story or make some strange remark about the actor within their story.

We've sifted through the junk, soo you don't have to. Soo... without further adue, these are the best stories that were posted to last week, from Monday August 2nd till Sunday August 8th. Enjoy!

All posted links open a new tab/window.

Verizon Droid X Eagle Eyes

Date: 2 Aug 2010 || Source: Several blogs

A lot of blogs (or one, who got rehashed by lots of others, and now us) posted a new video by Verizon, promoting their new Droid X phone that includes a new service called BlockBuster, which makes it possible to watch movies on your mobile phone.

Whats soo special about it? The fact that Terminator is definately not 'old' or 'stale' as some say... but cool to make references to... with red glowing robotic eyes. Check out the vid below!

Things I Really Should Have Seen By Now

Date: 2 Aug 2010 || Source:

As the owner of a Terminator fansite, I am still amazed that there are people out there that have NOT seen any of the Terminator films. People of our age (me being 36) let alone maybe even youngsters that are 10 to 15 years younger than us old fans.

Appearently this is still the case... as there ARE people that have not seen the movies. As posted in this cool blog, where the user posts about 'things he really should have seen by now' ;).

Not the biggest review, I might add, but fun to see how its viewed by yet another upcoming fan. Now all he needs to do is visit our fansite and enjoy the advanced Terminator stuff we have on offer ;).


Damn! That was it already!!! Taking me two hours to read and sift through 105 crap references, to come up with only two good Terminator related stories.

Well... its better than nothing.

STAFFmaster Vic has a holiday upcoming, which either means the site will get a major update each day... or you will not hear from us for three weeks. Its probably gonna be both ;).

As ever... more to come, all in due time.

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